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World Productivity: 1996-2014, joint with Bart Hobijn and John Fernald. (American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics)

Online Appendix, Replication Files

Markup estimates (equivalent to profit rates in our setup) for each year by country-industry pairs:

Abstract: We use a new growth accounting method to quantify the drivers of world total factor productivity (TFP) growth during 1996-2014 and uncover four main results. World productivity growth is volatile from year to year. This mainly reflects the reallocation of labor across country-industries. The contribution of country-industry-level productivity growth to world productivity is relatively constant over time. This constancy masks that the increased importance of emerging economies offsets a productivity slowdown in advanced economies. After 2008, this offsetting effect dissipated, and the world TFP growth declined. These conclusions are robust to the inclusion of markups in the analysis.


2016- Teaching Mathematics in Seven Countries, 1st Edition. Meraat Educational Innovations Center, Tehran, Iran. (joint with Moharram Naghizadeh and Masoud HajiSeyedHosseiniFard)

This is a translation of a report by the National Center for Education Statistics, from English to Persian. The report is part of the TIMSS 1999 Video Study and consists of video lectures from 8th-grade mathematics classes recorded in 1999 to study best practices in teaching mathematics. The countries in the study are Australia, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. The statistical analysis in the book provides seven teaching signatures in teaching mathematics, and the videos provide actual practices of different teaching signatures. All the video lectures are subtitled in Persian. This book is used as a textbook in official educational degrees for teaching high school mathematics in universities in Iran.

The original book can be downloaded here for FREE.

2015- 70 Educational Indicators in 20 Countries, 3rd Edition. Meraat Educational Innovations Center, Tehran, Iran. (joint with Moharram Naghizadeh)

This is a collection of educational and national-level statistics. This book is part of the official teacher education in Iran as a resource for comparative teaching practices.